Green Steeple Messenger – November 2024


First Baptist Church

81 Saint Paul Street Ste. 1

Burlington, VT. 05401

VOLUME NO. 11     November 1, 2024



This Fall we have discussed new ways of thinking about our resources and ministries. Holy Currencies encourage us to pay attention to our connections within the congregation and the connections we share with our wider communities.  Relationships, Truth, Wellness, Gracious Leadership, Time and Place, as well as money, empower our ministries. We have recognized which currencies we use well and which provide opportunities for new ideas and programs.  By thinking of currencies as more than money, we are reminded of the many resources God has provided for us.  These are to be shared as we live out Christ’s call to manifest God’s love for the world.

November is when we look ahead to the next year and make our financial pledges of support for the work and ministry of First Baptist. 2024 has been a challenging year but there is much to be hopeful about the future. We have the opportunity to join an ABC region which will welcome and encourage us. We are planning to welcome new members on Thanksgiving Sunday. Our Youth are planning a Spring Mission Trip to Boston. Our Mission Team is planning new outreach projects both locally and internationally. Our neighborhood is slowly but surely changing as the construction in the block next door progresses. Hopefully our parking issues will be resolved soon and those sheltering in our church yard and around Burlington will find relief through new programs for treatment and housing.  

As we consider our pledges for next year, may we trust in the providence of God and lean into the hope empowered by Christ.  It is a great blessing to be in ministry together.

Yours in Christ,

~ Karen

Rev. Karen A. Mendes


First Baptist Church Staff

Rev. Karen A. Mendes .…………………………… Pastor 

Pastor Thee Say …………….. Karen Baptist Pastor

                        ……….. ……   Interim CE Director

Adam Chamberlain …………… Church Administrator       

Evan Allen  ………………………………..Organist

Anna Roy…………………..Chancel Choir Director

Brenda Perkins ………………Youth Choir Director 

The Karen Baptist Community Team……….Sexton

Dazzling Diadem …………….………Tech Support

               Officers of First Baptist


Mark Paulsen……………….…Assistant Moderator

Cindy Little…………………………..…………Clerk

Beth Gamache……. …………….…Assistant Clerk

Chris Thompson……………………….…Treasurer

Frank Swasey…….…………….Assistant Treasurer

Marilyn Siple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Secretary

Marie Morton. . . . . . . . . . . . .  Asst. Financial Sec’y

                  ……………………………… Historian

Andy Farrington…………………….Parliamentarian

Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00

Office Phone: (802) 864-6515

Conference/Kitchen Phone: 

(802) 864-4721

Office Hours: M, W, F (9-1) T, Th (9-3)

Email address:

Web Site Address:

Visit us on Facebook

First Baptist Church, Burlington, Vt.



All of us are part of the First Baptist Visitation Team and can call or email our church friends or send a note or card.

Please take some time to reach out to the church members and friends who live in your town. You can access the church directory through or through the Instant Church Directory App. Try phoning someone you might not otherwise call, but miss seeing in church!.


Nov 3 – All Saints Day

Mark 12:28-34

The Greatest Commandment

Nov 10 – Pledge Sunday

Mark 12:38-44

True Greatness

Nov 17 – Combined Worship

Mark 13:1-8

What will be the sign?

Nov 24 – Thanksgiving Sunday

Combined Worship

Matt 6:25-33

Consider the Lilies


Nov 3 – Visitors/Membership Class

Nov 10 – Baptism Class

Nov 17 – Potluck Lunch and Visit from Rev. Hasenauer

Nov 24 – Greening of the Church


There is more to Church than Sunday mornings! 

THE CHOSEN – Season 4 viewings will continue on Mondays at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary. This television series explores the life of Jesus and his early followers.  Those who would like to watch from home can access the show on or through Netflix, Amazon, or other streaming services.


We are thrilled to continue the Dopp Organ Recital in memory of Katherine and Sarah Dopp.  The recital will take place on Sunday, November 10 at 3pm.  John Riddle will be the featured organist playing a program of works by John Stanley, J.S. Bach, Cesar Franck, and others. Invite your friends and neighbors!


Calling all angels, shepherds, magi, Holy Families, directors, and crew!  We will soon be choosing our pageant for this year and finalizing practice times.  The pageant cast will be composed of people of all ages and it will be part of our worship service on Dec. 22.  Please speak with Carrie Perkins if you are interested in participating in any capacity.


Nov. 3 – All Saints Day

Nov. 8-9 – Youth Retreat at Inselheim

Nov. 9 – FBC Table on Church St.

Nov. 10 – Pledge Sunday

Nov. 10 – Dopp Organ Recital – 3pm

Nov. 17 – Visit from Dr. Sandy Hasenauer and Potluck Lunch

Nov. 24 – Thanksgiving Sunday


The UGB voted to use a life insurance annuity given by Sarah Dopp to complete her pledge for 2024 and to provide cash flow assistance if needed for the rest of 2024. Any funds not used will be added to the Permanent Fund.  Steve Perkins gave a report projecting the budgeting needs in 5 years based on our past 5 years of pledging and usage of the Permanent Fund. It projects a deficit of $187,207. This led to discussion about the need to be more effective with fund-raising, use of the building, and increased numbers in the congregation.  Stewardship Sunday will be November 10. The proposed financial plan for 2025 is $277,134.00. 

The Rev. Dr. Sandy Hasenauer from ABC Rochester/Genesee will be with us 11/16-11/18.  She will join us for combined worship with the Karen Community Sunday morning followed by a question period in the sanctuary after worship. Then there will be a pot-luck dinner downstairs with a sign-up list to be posted soon. 

Parking Update: Karen shared that Brooks McArthur filed the paperwork for our suit against ICV. They have 60 days to remove the vent that extends over the property line. 

Calendar Update: The Christmas Eve Candlelight service will be at 10 pm. The early service will be at 5 pm.  Baptism classes begin 11/3 and are considering a Thanksgiving baptism. The youth retreat at Inselheim is 11/8-11/9.  

OUTREACH TEAM –  Sarah Wright is coordinating a table on Church St 11/9 from 11am to 5 pm on “The Share” and is looking for volunteers to drop by for a few hours. A total of 21 people ( shift workers and goodie providers) made it possible to earn $596.76 toward our special fundraising at the I-89 Rest Stop Fundraiser.. There were 34 hot dogs and buns leftover which were given to FUMC for feeding Share guests and left-over goodies were part of our after-worship snacks. The Share is now needing 3 soups on Sunday evenings. They are averaging 50 guests. A sign-up to make soup or provide dessert is on the round table in the Narthex. Also the Share needs volunteers to help serve Sunday evenings at FUMC from 4 to 6 pm. So far we have collected $342 for Hurricane Relief. Please let Outreach know of any families who could use a Thanksgiving basket of food and turkey. Thanksgiving basket contributions will be received on Nov. 24

FELLOWSHIP TEAM: Mark reported that ushering is going well and we have adequate coverage for communion 11/3.  Discussion re: need for a sign to be posted on the side door downstairs that if it is secure to use the front door for services.

EDUCATION TEAM: Three classes have been learning Bible stories with a variety of curriculum aids. Attendance in the primary and middle elementary classes has been a bit lower than last year. The youth class is thriving. Thanks to teachers and substitutes, Brenda Perkins, Carrie Perkins, Bev Nichols, Sarah Wright, Karen Pope, Cindy Little and Lois Lynch. Thank you to Adam Chamberlain. At this point we are not planning to recruit a CE director for the rest of 2024. However we hope to hire a 10 hour per week Director in 2025 pending the budget process.

PROPERTY REPORT:  The lawnmowing is complete. Leaves remain to be cleared. A roofer inspected the back porch roof and a caulk is needed. Trash and needles continue to be picked up and speaking to residents on our property. We need to contact the plow company. We are awaiting the timing on installation of the grounding cables for the lightning rods.



On Saturday, Nov. 9 from 11am – 5:30pm, we will have a table on Church St. to raise money and give out information about The Share. (The feeding ministry we do with the First United Methodist Church.) We will soon have a Google doc to volunteer.  For more information, contact Sarah Wright.


ANEW Place is excited to announce its fourth annual Celebration of Trees, our biggest fundraiser of the year.  It will begin on Black Friday, Nov. 29th and run until Dec. 15th, Wednesdays through Sundays. ANEW is a faith-based homeless services agency in Burlington which provides sober housing and loving guidance to help adults who are unhoused to start ANEW.  This year, Celebration of Trees will be held at UMall, in the space right next to Target, previously the home of the South Burlington Library.  In order to make this event the best it can possibly be, we need volunteers! 

Your main responsibilities will be to sell raffle tickets, handling cash and charge cards (using an iPad and Square).  A staff or board member will be with you to answer any questions, especially questions our ticket buyers may have about ANEW Place. You can find the sign-up online here:

Questions?  Call Bobbe Pennington 802-355-8181


We will be providing Thanksgiving food baskets with turkeys for those families who need a little help. Your contribution of non-perishable food items or money to buy turkeys can be dropped off in the Narthex on November 24. Any leftover food and money will be given to the Feeding Champlain Valley Food Shelf.


This was our 12th year of fundraising at the Williston rest stops with $596.76 in donations received from generous rest stop visitors. A big thank you to our 21 volunteers who worked shifts and provided the goodies: Dave and Cindy Little, Ed Bigelow, Joanne Rittwage, Peni Saulnier, Pat Reasoner, Lois D’Arcangelo, Jim Calder, Bill McCormick, Bev Nichols, Tracy Gilbert, Karen Mendes, Sarah Wright, Brenda Perkins, Lyn Blodgett, Karen Pope, Ginger Calder, Fern Sparks, Marie Morton, Carol Gaylord, and Joan Taylor. 

McKenzie Country Classics provided free hot dogs for this event. Leftover hot dogs and buns were given to FUMC to help feed The Share guests on Sunday evening.


So far, $442 has been given toward our One Great Hour of Sharing for Hurricane Helene Relief.


We recently received an email from our global servant in Goma, Ann Clemmer. (Check out the mission bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.) They are hoping to provide 2,000 shoes for the children of Goma at Christmas time. If you would like to give toward this cause, write a check to First Baptist with shoes for Goma children in the memo. We will send money to IM as soon as possible.


If you have an old coat in your closet that could benefit a visitor in our church yard, bring it to church and it will be given as needed. More info in Green Steeple Weekly.


If you are unable to attend worship in person, you may mail a check to the church office or give electronically through the donate button on our church website: or through the smartphone app called Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. Our ministries depend on the generous gifts of our members and friends. You can also give using this QR code.

Thank you for your participation in sharing the love of God in our community and our world. 

PAST WORSHIP SERVICES… are available on our website and our YouTube Channel.


All are invited to provide flowers for a worship service. This can be a meaningful way to memorialize a loved one or commemorate an important event and bring God’s beautiful creations into the sanctuary to enhance our spirit of praise and joy in worship. Please call the church office to sign up for a particular Sunday. 

Advent and Christmas Events for all Ages

Celebrate the Season with your Family of Faith

Greening of the Church – Sunday, Nov. 24 following worship

Help decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas.

Intergenerational Advent Craft workshop – Sunday, Dec. 1

Make Advent calendars, ornaments and more.

Christmas Tree Sunday – Sunday, Dec. 8

Bring an ornament from home to decorate our Sanctuary tree.

Advent Stories and Songs – Sunday, Dec. 8 following worship

Our Second Hour will be filled with music and story.

The Longest Night Service –Saturday, Dec. 21, 4:00pm

A  Christmas service for those who mourn.

Christmas Sunday Worship – Sunday, Dec. 22

Wonderful music and the Christmas Pageant to celebrate

the 4th Sunday of Advent.

Christmas Pageant rehearsals to be announced.

Christmas Eve Services  – Tuesday Dec. 24 

Family Service-  5:00pm

Candlelight Service – 10:00pm 

Christmas Day Worship – Wednesday, Dec 25

Celebrate Christmas Day with our Karen Speaking Church Family.

Christmas Caroling – afternoon of Dec. 29

Bringing Christmas cheer to our homebound members and friends.

Epiphany Party – Sunday, Jan. 5 following worship

Join us for Three Kings Cake and other treats

as we celebrate the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child.

For more information, contact the church office.  864-6515,


M/W/F 9-1 T/TH 9-3

Thanksgiving 11/28 and Friday 11/29 the office will be closed.


The church office (Adam Chamberlain)-  

Karen Mendes –

Evan Allen –

Anna Roy –

Treasurer –  

Financial Secretary – 

Karen Baptist Community –