Join us for Three Kings Cake and other treats as we celebrate the new year and the Magi’s visit to the Christ Child
First Baptist Church
Epiphany Sunday
December 31, 2017
No matter who you are or where you are from, you are welcome in this community of faith.
Today we are celebrating Epiphany Sunday with the Karen Baptist Community with a combined worship service. Hymns will be sung in English and Karen. (KH) signifies the hymn number in the Karen Hymnal. (BH) signifies the hymn number in the Blue Pew Hymnal.
When the worship leaders enter the sanctuary let there be silence among the people.
*CONGREGATIONAL INTROIT 185(BH) 61(KH) Hark ! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King: Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” Joyful, all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies; with angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem!” Hark! The herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King.”
*CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: The Star in the dark sky heralded His Coming. People: Arise! Shine! The Light of the World has come! Leader: Led by the light of the Star, the Wise Ones came to pay homage. People: Arise! Shine! The Light of the World has come! Leader: God’s Light of love is shining upon us. People: Arise! Shine! The Light of the World has come! Leader: O Come, Let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!
*HYMN Brightest and Best of the Stars 235(BH) 65(KH)
*UNISON PRAYER OF INVOCATION – Loving God, who breaks through the darkness of doubt and despair, be with us this day as we hear of the visit of the Wise Ones, who risked everything to follow a Star. Let us open our hearts and be willing to risk receiving the gift of gracious Love that you have to offer us in the form of our Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN.
*SUNG RESPONSE 182(BH)531(KH) O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold him, born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord.
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Leader: Guiding Light. . . People: We lift our prayers to you.
*DOXOLOGY 188 (refrain) Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
*HYMN The First Noel v. 1-3, 6 229(BH) 60(KH)
SERMON Arise and Shine Rev. Karen A. Mendes
*HYMN We Three Kings of Orient Are 233(BH) 68(KH)
*Please stand if you are able.
Today’s Worship Participants: Co-officiant – Pastor Thee Say Greeters: Barb Farrington & Marie Morton Ushers: Andy Farrington, Frank Swasey, Pat Boyden & Mark Paulsen
WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS WITH US TODAY. Please fill out a white pew card so that we might know of your presence with us today. Large print bulletins with scripture readings and hymns are available; ask an usher for assistance. We also have devices to aid the hearing-impaired .
THERE IS NO CHURCH SCHOOL TODAY – Children of all ages will remain with their family to celebrate Epiphany Sunday. Children’s bulletins, activity packets and crayons are available from the ushers. Quiet toys and board books for toddlers are available in the flowered box in the Narthex.
A NEW YEAR’S EPIPHANY PARTY TODAY! Plan to join us after the worship service for Three Kings Cake and other treats as we celebrate the new year and the Magi’s visit to the Christ child.
THERE WILL BE NO BIBLE STUDY ON JAN 1 DUE TO THE HOLIDAY. Please plan to join us again on January 8th as we continue exploring the Christmas story this time in the Gospel of John. Starting on January 22, we will be studying the Gospel of Thomas. This ancient collection of sayings by Jesus has many parallels with the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. Feel free to bring your lunch.
UN-DECORATING THE TREE will take place today immediately following worship. Many hands are needed to make the job light and quick. Please come and lend a hand!
ANNUAL REPORTS ARE DUE BY JANUARY 12TH. Please send them electronically to the office.
END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS – The final collection will be recorded and deposited at the bank today. Final Giving statements for 2017 will be sent in mid-January.
~Ginger Calder, Financial Secretary
THE SECRET PLACE (daily devotional) for December, January & February is available on the table in the Narthex.
GREEN STEEPLE CAFÉ – plan to help today; if you aren’t signed up, see me for an assignment. Our Café is our major fund-raiser of the year and requires many hands! (There are sit-down jobs as well as more energetic ones). Above all, it is a time of fun and fellowship for all. Some of the crew will be hard at work downstairs during the service. ~ Sarah Dopp
THE ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE JANUARY 28TH, following worship and a potluck meal.
PULPIT EXCHANGE – On January 14, we will have a pulpit exchange with the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction. The Rev. Mark Mendes will be leading worship here while the Rev. Karen Mendes will be preaching in Essex. Folks from both churches have been asking to hear “the other Rev. Mendes” for a while, so now is your chance! Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors!
Fred Danforth Don Dalton
Anne Marie Tsady Fran Whitney Warren & Fern Sparks LisaAnn Oberbrunner
Elsie Follett Gladys Severance
Beth Ovitt Laura Fuller
Bill Mason Rose Lambert
Ann Arms Greg Curtis
Gail Holmes Shirley Logan Gladys Laura JoAnne Benis
Jane North’s Family (Betty Capponi’s Sister-in-Law)
Ray Brault’s Family (Chris Brault’s Grandfather)
Bea Dandridge & son, Walter
Ed & Penilee Saulnier’s grandson, Jacob
Stan & Virginia Girvan
Donna Cotner’s Family
Jason Curley’s family (Ray Sherrod’s grandson)
Betty Button and her grandson, Wally
9:00am – Green Steeple Café Prep
9:45am – Combined Worship Service –
Pastors Karen A. Mendes and Thee Say Epiphany Celebration
1:30-10PM – Green Steeple Cafe in Fellowship Hall
THIS WEEK IN OUR CHURCH Monday – Office Closed Tuesday – 10:00am – Meals on Wheels Thursday – 7:00pm – Chancel Choir
Saturday – 9:00am – Namuna Nepali Church
NEXT SUNDAY – January 7th 9:45am – Worship Service – Rev. Karen A. Mendes 12:00 – Karen Baptist Community
WEEKLY AA MEETINGS Wednesday at 8pm Friday at noon Saturday at 7:00pm
2nd Monday of each month – District II at 7:00pm
Rev. Karen A. Mendes, Pastor; Marie Morton, Administrative Assistant; Steve Perkins, Instrumental Group Director; Adam Schneider, Organist & Interim Choirmaster; Rachael Haar, Children’s Choir Director; Chris Brault, Sexton. Office phone: (802)864-6515; Office email:; Website: Rev. Karen A Mendes’ email: Visit us on Face Book. Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-1:00pm, Thurs. 9:00-3:00pm.