First Baptist Church is a place of worship as diverse as the world we serve, we strive to ensure that everyone has an equal religious home, regardless of background or identity.
We gladly welcome all who come to worship in our gorgeous sanctuary (or with us through Zoom or Facebook) . Many consider being in our congregation like being part of a large, extended family and many of us may have never met these diverse and interesting followers of God outside the church.
Members and non-members alike are always welcome to worship with us and participate in our service missions. We truly care for the spiritual and emotional needs of each other and help each other in practical ways.
How We’re Organized
First Baptist has one central Unified Governing Board. They meet once a month via zoom. The UGB is comprised of six areas of ministry and governance.
- Church Officers
- Outreach
- Fellowship
- Education
- Governing Committees
- Pastor and Staff
General Information
First Baptist Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches,USA. We are centrally located in beautiful downtown Burlington, Vermont. There is ample free parking. Our building is fully handicapped accessible. A modern elevator connects all four floors of the building.
First Baptist Church is located at 81 St. Paul Street, which runs parallel to the Church Street Market Place in down town Burlington. See link to map.
Church Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 9-1 Tuesday, Thursday – 9-3
First Baptist Church offers many educational opportunities for people of all ages to learn about God’s love, to grow in their Christian faith and learn how to live that faith in their everyday lives.
For youth we offer a great program of church school, youth choir, opportunities for youth to actively participate in worship service and of course the youth take the lead with our annual Christmas pageant!
The Music Ministry at First Baptist Church is an integral part of the worship service, offering a variety of musical styles by a variety of musical groups, for every taste and every age.
Outside of the Sunday service, we offer church school for all generations; we offer bible study; we have a Zoom coffee hour; Pastor led book groups; vacation bible school; and pot luck meals.
Some of our local service activities include: Support for BURLINGTON FOOD SHELF, meals for ANEW Place and The Share (a joint ministry project with FUMC Burlington), Noodles for Burma, and Campus Christian Ministry (CCM) organization at UVM