Green Steeple Messenger – May 2024



10 years ago this month, I was installed as First Baptist’s 24th permanent pastor. My
life as part of First Baptist began much earlier. As a child, First Baptist was my
church home. It is from this life-long perspective that I reflect on the ministries of
the First Baptist community of faith.
We Green Steeple people take seriously Jesus’ call to share the Good News of God’s
love to the world. We have welcomed New Americans and fed the hungry. We
have worked with other downtown churches to provide services for those in need.
We have filled our beautiful sanctuary with glorious music. We have worshiped
together, learned together, served together, and had fun together. We are a
community that welcomes everyone in recognition that God’s love is more
expansive and more powerful than anything we can imagine.
Church in 2024 is different from when I was a child. Society at large is quite
different. But the loving, welcoming spirit at First Baptist remains the same. This
Spring has been difficult following the death of Sarah Dopp. We are in the midst of
regaining our equilibrium as we fill the many roles that Sarah held for us. We are
working on reestablishing our agreement with the parking lot next door. We are
looking forward to the completion of the CityPlace project and the many new
neighbors it will bring. As wonderful as our history has been, the Holy Spirit leads
us to look toward the future with enthusiasm and hope.
This newsletter is full of opportunities for learning, fellowship, and service. It is a
great joy to be in ministry with you.
~ Karen
Rev. Karen A. Mendes

For full newsletter click here.